Radar, ESP settings (universal for all configs)


I use size 160, Square, Icon Style 2, Icon Size 18, Icon Background Size 2, Healthbars: On, Objectives: On


Note that the "Glow" settings require dxlevel 90 or higher

I use Enemy Only OFF, Position: Bottom, GlowESP: Team, Health: Both, Class, Ubercharge, Name, Backtrack Ticks: Chams (flat) Healthkit, Ammokit, Dropped Ammo, Objectives: Both, Projectiles: Glow

Legit Config - Great for Sniper and Amby Spy


Aimbot: On

Aimkey: None

Aim FOV: 1-2

Aim Priority: FOV

Aim Position: Head

Silent Aim: On

Auto Shoot: On

Wait For Charge: Off (turn this on if you're using the Ambassador)

Auto Zoom: On

Zoomed Only: On

Ignore Cloaked: On


Trigger Key: None

Auto Backstab: Rage

Ignore Razorback: Off

Trigger Shoot: Off